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Lately I have found myself asking, “where is home?”  I have always had a bit of the wandering gypsy in my soul and this year that aspect of me has certainly surfaced.  When I look back on the last year I have come to the realization that I have lived or spent a considerable amount of time in Seattle, Barcelona, Denver/Lafayette, and Shanghai.  Depending on whether I am in Shanghai or Colorado, I might refer to China as home or Colorado as home.   Is home where you lay your head at night?  Where your family and friends are?  Where you grew up?  Where you receive mail?  Can you have two homes (or more) at the same time? 

As I have travelled in this past year I have also come to the realization that I am not sure if I am not going to have a traditional home based lifestyle for awhile and this is something that excites me and is a teeny bit terrifying at the same time.  Luckily, I have also learned to be increasingly out of my former comfort zone.  This last year I have also learned that how you live your life is largely up to you.  

One thing I also know is that my friends and family are very important to me so even if it seems impractical to visit; I need to make the time and do it.  So I find myself coming and going from one place to another.  I also encourage people to visit me – really!  I like to see people and there is something whimsical and magical about seeing people you know and love in a completely different context and environment.  When I studied abroad in London several of my friends and family members managed to visit and then many of us went to Paris and had an amazing time there.  I will always cherish that time and remember frolicking with my stepfather in the gardens of Versailles; wandering around in Paris during the July heat with my cousin Laura while the sun beat down on us as we struggled to carry our luggage; taking photos with my friend Ron on a rainy day in Hyde Park; and eating dinner with my grandparents and family at L’Amouse Bouche and walking outside just in time to see a parade of rollerbladers in wild costumes go by.  I am so glad that we were all able to share those unique and memorable moments.

So I hope for those kinds of moments in China and in my future travels because if there is anything I have learned in the last year, it is that life is flux so I am going to seize the day.  I will live a life filled with joy, adventure, and whimsy and since people are important to me, I hope to share it with those that I love and am close to.  So if you are thinking about a trip to come and see me, carpe diem.

Laura B
7/26/2010 06:14:54 am

"wandering around in Paris during the July heat with my cousin Laura while the sun beat down on us as we struggled to carry our luggage"

This is one of my favorite travel stories! We were lost for hours, found and fed the most amazing meal (and champagne!), and then the crazy roller skaters!

Lesson learned: always find out how to use the payphones in a foreign country, and know about some kind of english speaking "help line"!

Also, Paris taxi drivers are really not very helpful!


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