Okay so I know you are probably thinking, “there is a china town in China?” and that is exactly what I would think too except China Town is not a part of the city but rather it is a burlesque club in Shanghai.  I was pleasantly surprised to discover this as anyone who knows me well knows I love me some burlesque! Even though I have only been in Shanghai for 4 months, I was lucky to have a wonderful reason to go after two weeks and liked it so much I decided to go back for my birthday party. 

Only my second Saturday in Shanghai, I was invited to a going away part for some expats I was introduced to through email via a friend (thanks Rachel).  This proved to be very fortuitous for me because I was able to get helpful tips before I left for Shanghai and then after I arrived, I met up and hung out a few times before going to the going away party as Joe (a cousin’s cousin of a friend of mine or something like that) was heading back to the states after a two year stint in Shanghai.  It just so happened that this going away party was at China town and it also happened that it was a costume party – probably my favorite kind of party!  Also at this party I met lots of fabulous people.  It was perfect.

So having just moved to Shanghai and having started working full time, moving into an apartment and trying to get settled, I decided to go as Marlene Dietrich which turned out to be an easy thing for me to pull together.  I initially stayed at the South Bund Fabric Market so I easily found a faux fur jacket and a black beret as well as some vintage looking jewelry to give me at least a Marlene Dietrich impression.  I do love shopping in China – you can find almost anything you want if you know where to look.

So the evening of the party arrived and I was dazzled by the lovely burlesque ladies and the partygoers I was with.  Those at the party included Princess Leia, the Swedish Chef, not one but two Supergirls, a superman, Cindy Lauper, George Bush, Barney and Betty Rubble and others.  We ate, we drank, we laughed and enjoyed the show and wished Joe and LaRiena off on their new adventure.   We even heard Joe serenade Princess Leia on stage as his costume was Justin Timberlake for one of his SNL performances involving a strategically placed box.  If you want to see the video, google JT, SNL, and box and have a good laugh.  It was memorable, and hilarious!

The show was high quality and was a clean show with more emphasis on the tease than the strip and vintage style costumes intertwined with nice vocal performances and belly dancing.  I particularly liked the Frank Sinatra style performer who had a great singing voice.
The show was high quality and was a clean show with more emphasis on the tease than the strip and vintage style costumes intertwined with nice vocal performances and belly dancing.  I particularly liked the Frank Sinatra style performer who had a great singing voice.

A few months later when I heard that Lions of Puxi, a sort of Reggae Funk band was playing there on my birthday I decided to go back.  It has a nice atmosphere and I even got called on stage for an embarrassing but fun birthday song.  I also had to get my photo taken with some of the burly girls.  Here is a pic.


So it is nice that even in China, I can go to a high quality burlesque club and feel at home.  Like I said, you can find almost anything you want in China if you know where to look  ; )

Here is a link to their website if you are curious and want to check it out.
6/8/2010 10:42:22 pm

Great post! Sounds a little like a Fear Factor or Amazing Race Challenge. I think I would stay away from the bugs also. Are there any food from home you are craving?

6/8/2010 10:47:00 pm

So great that you got to meet Joe before he left. Glad that was a good connection. Sounds like a fun place and great birthday party, too!

(hopefully I got this comment posted with the correct blog ;-) )


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